If you are having issues trying to find a correct driver for a device on one PC, but have a working driver on another computer, you can easily transfer the driver from one PC to another.
Windows stores a copy of each installed driver in C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository folder.
Simply copy a subfolder for the device in question to the target PC and use Device Manager to install it. If you have multiple similarly looking folders for the same manufacturer and are not sure which is the correct one, simply copy all of them and start from the latest one. If the driver is incorrect, device manager will refuse to install it.
Drivers Across Laptops Wireless
Mar 17, 2020 Go to the official HP Software and Driver Downloads page to find a driver that needs replacing. Type in the serial number of your laptop and select Submit to continue. On the next page, your laptop’s details are displayed along with the OS you’re using. Find the webcam driver in the list of available drivers and download it to your laptop. Dec 30, 2019 If you have a USB thumb drive, it can be the easiest and fastest method to get drivers from one machine to another. If you don't already have one of these drives, we highly recommend you consider getting one from any local computer retail store. Many grocery stores also have these available. Moving across the network. Driver For Labtec Notebook WebCam. This Labtec Notebook WebCam driver is designed by Labtec Inc. License: Free OS: Windows XP Windows Vista Language.
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8